Monday, June 1, 2009

Presenting "Blog"

As my first forray (Myspace doesn't count - I was young and confused) into the glorious world of self-indulgent blogging, I feel it necessary to establish some basics as to what this is and is not. On a very good day, I may possibly say something of use to the world at large, profound in nature, full of poignant insight into the human plight.

These days will likely be rare.

More often than not I intend to use this outlet to rant, rave, ramble, and do other things that begin with the letter 'r', to be determined at a later date. You must forgive me in advance for my intellectual shortcomings, stream of consciousness writing style (which is in no way intentional -- sorry, not that cool), and (what I suspect will be) the generally shallow nature of my missives. I give anyone permission to call me simple behind my back.

And on that note, the obligatory disclaimers due any self-respecting Rankin woman have been issued. Let the fun begin.

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